In today’s environment, safety and security have become a major concern for churches and houses of worship.  The safety of parishioners and attendees as well as the security of your building is tantamount. Churches are responsible for the many people they minister to and care for throughout the week.

The safety and well being of infants and young worshipers should be the primary concern of church leadership. Plans need to be in place for their safety. What is your church’s current plan to ensure and provide safety to your entire congregation? Hiring a local police officer to provide on site security can be costly, and may not be available. How many officers would be needed to provide sufficient coverage considering the number of services and internal ministries throughout the week, as well as the size of your building or campus?

There are usually capable individuals in your congregation who are willing to donate their time and skills to be part of a safety and security team. Churches and houses of worship may currently have an ad hoc security detail comprised of people who are vigilant to protect. No matter what type of team you currently have or are looking to start, all could benefit from proper training. The right training will sharpen the skills of any team to act as a cohesive unit that will enhance the safety of the congregation.

Know H.O.W. Dynamics has successfully consulted and trained several churches in creating and organizing security teams from within their own congregations.  Through these processes we have learned the common issues facing churches as they seek to establish a safety and security team.  In our own lives as church attendees and volunteer workers we understand the dynamics that churches face day to day.  The law enforcement experience allows us to introduce you to ways your church can become a harder target, and also work with your local or other police agencies to grow and enhance your team. A well directed and trained team can greatly expand your security coverage area.  And since this team will consist of committed church members, there will be a greater vested interest in the safety and security of the church.  

Building Security Strategies


How do churches and houses of worship offer open doors to all people, but still remain secure from those who would seek to do harm? How do you keep the would be assailant out? If they make it inside, how do you limit or cease their movement? What are your procedures for structure fire evacuation? How do ensure all persons are out of the building? We will show you tactics and techniques to lock out or lock down the rooms of your building.  We will show ways to streamline your fire escape plan for effectiveness and assurance of complete evacuation.

Team Building

The methods, tactics, and strategies demonstrated by Know H.O.W. Dynamics are based on over 14 years of varied law enforcement and military experience. Almost all of these duties and operations were performed in a teamwork environment.  From that we learned how to not only work as a team, but how to select and train people to best build the team.  From mitigating verbal aggressors to protective sweeps of the structure to securing entry points all of these have been utilized and refined during those years.  Slight adaptations to these capabilities can be made to better fit the duties of house of worship security teams. Whether your church has an established security team already or is looking to assemble one, Know H.O.W. Dynamics can customize a training course to maximize your team's capabilities. Classroom, hands on, and scenario based training can all be tailor made to fit your security teams needs. 

Individual Development

There is strength in numbers, which is why team development is so important, but the individuals that make up that team determine how well that team performs.  Know H.O.W. Dynamics is committed to building the individual by providing the training that allows them to best find a role on the team.  Whether it be emergency medical training, verbal de-escalation, combatives, or firearms training all of these can be taught to better prepare the individual.

Multi-Church Packages

Church budgets are most times a huge factor into where to best place the church’s money.  Some churches would not be able to afford the necessary training to assemble an adequate safety team.  At Know H.O.W. Dynamics, we understand these concerns and offer many different options to allow churches to be properly trained while not overtaxing their budget.  One of these ways is to offer a multi-church discount. Building relationships with other churches in your area allows for better communication and strength in the community.  A great way to build this is to train alongside other churches and split and offset some of the costs. Please contact us for other ways we can make high caliber training affordable for your house of worship security team.