Official Partner of the USCCA
Know H.O.W. Dynamics is an Official Partner of the USCCA. The USCCA offers a variety of services to the firearms community. To learn more about the USCCA, and for your free Concealed Carry Guide please click below.
Firearms Courses
Currently scheduled courses are listed in the STORE with date, time, location, and other info.
1 Day Pistol Intro
This course is for the brand new to novice shooter. You will be introduced to safe firearm handling, and how pistols function. Students will be taught proper grip, stance, sight picture and sight alignment. This course is designed to help new shooters become more comfortable with their firearm in a relaxed coaching environment.
Required Equipment:
-75 rounds for your caliber pistol
-At least two magazines or speed loaders
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
1 Day Intermediate Pistol
This course is for those beginning to or looking to start concealed carry. This course will start with the fundamentals of shooting and transition into making the student comfortable with concealed carry. The coaching involved allows each shooter decide when they are comfortable to begin drawing from the holster. Students will then be taught the beginning stages of concealed carry. There will be a lot of information given on holster positioning, holster engineering, belts, and other areas that will make concealed carry safer and more comfortable.
Required Equipment:
-200 rounds for your caliber pistol
-At least two magazines
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
1 Day Concealed Carry Capabilities
This course will advance the shooter in drawing from concealment and shooting multiple rounds with accuracy. It is designed to advance the speed and capabilities of concealed carry for the student and will cover drawing from concealment, proper stance and grip, sight alignment, trigger control. Students will organically learn how to quickly diagnose and clear malfunctions as well as reloads as they occur naturally in the course. A focus on speed and accuracy from the holster is the goal of this course.
Required Equipment:
-200 rounds for your caliber pistol
-At least two magazines
-MUST BE A KYDEX or hard plastic holster (no leather holsters and no index finger manipulated retention devices)
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
2 Day Armed Fighter
In a world where many just purchase a pistol, get their concealed carry permit, holster up, and consider themselves “armed”; come learn concepts and skills that will actually make you an Armed Fighter.
This course is designed to start increasing your capabilities as a concealed weapon carrier. You will learn how to be faster from the holster and maintain accuracy through multiple rounds. You will be introduced to self protection concepts such as movement, use of cover, in close/entangled gunfight, the protection of others and more.
Required Equipment:
-400 rounds for your caliber pistol
-At least two magazines
-Holster MUST BE A KYDEX or hard plastic holster (no leather holsters and no index finger manipulated retention devices)
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
2 Day Castle Course
Day 1: Vehicle
Day 2: Structure
This course will teach you how to apply firearms skills in everyday environments. Each day will focus on a different environment. The vehicle environment day, training will focus on shooting out of the vehicle, getting out of the vehicle, and using the vehicle for cover. The home/structure day, training will focus on the use of walls to create angles and safer room entry and clearing. Throughout the course you will learn how to breakdown the complexities of structure layout and how to methodically process the movement through the structure environment.
Required Equipment:
-Pistol and/or Rifle
-200 rounds for your firearm
-At least two magazines
-Holster MUST BE A KYDEX or hard plastic holster (no leather holsters and no index finger manipulated retention devices)
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
-Dust mask (optional)
In-Vehicle Defense
This course is centered around the vehicle environment, which we find ourselves in almost daily. Students will learn the intricacies of movement and shooting from inside a vehicle. Concepts discussed in this course will be the complexities of shooting from an unnatural shooting platform as well as the dynamics of shooting through glass. This course will teach how to safely and effectively get out of the vehicle if needed and how to use the cover and concealment of the vehicle to our advantage. It will also cover the variables of having passengers inside the vehicle and how to best protect and handle these situations.
-Training pistols will be supplied
1 Day In-Structure Defense
(Force on Force)
Students will face armed (airsoft) opposition in this course. Through this course students will be able to develop a sound strategy for their own personal home defense. The focus of this course will be on the multiple angles, planes, and depth that clearing a structure present. Building layouts create natural hides and blind spots that cause hesitation in decision making. Students will learn how to read the rooms they are entering which will shorten mental processing and speed up their decisions. The course will also cover the tactical differences of closed doors and open doors as well as hallways and stairwells.
Required Equipment:
-Eye Protection
Optional Equipment:
-Long sleeved shirt
-Groin Protector
-Airsoft/Paintball mask
Carbine Concepts
This course will introduce students to the rifle and fundamental weapon safety, handling, and manipulation. During this process students will learn the rifle functions, while understanding the similarities to the stance and grip they already apply with their pistol. Equipment accessories and needs will also be discussed and evaluated throughout the course.
Required Equipment:
- Carbine
-200 rounds of ammo
-At least three magazines
-Sling (single or double)
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing
Contents Under Pressure
Stress and pressure cause a deterioration in our performance. Consciously adding pressure to ourselves and working through it will increase our potential in real life. The course will begin with a one hour Stop The Bleed trauma medical block of instruction. To increase stress, this course will consist of high intensity physical fitness efforts to elevate heart rate and exhaustion. Following these efforts, students will have to treat trauma medical simulations and shoot pistol courses of fire.
Required Equipment:
-200 rounds
-At least two magazines
-MUST BE A KYDEX or hard plastic holster with good friction retention (no leather holsters and no index finger manipulated retention devices)
-Hearing and eye protection
-Baseball or brimmed hat
-Weather appropriate clothing